Future of Robotics In India and New Opportunities

The Indian tech sector is booming. Almost everyone wants to learn AI or robotics. The youth and government alike, want to cash in on the enormous opportunities that come with it. With the advantages of science and technology in India, robotics is entering the industrial space rapidly.

What is a robot? And what are the future prospects of robotics in India:

A robot is a machine designed to implement one or more works automatically with speed and accuracy. There are as many various sorts of robots as there are tasks for them to perform. Robots that resemble humans are referred to as androids; however, many robots aren’t built on the human model.

By definition, robotics is a part of engineering and electronics that take the conception, formulation, art, and operation of robots. This field overlaps with electronics, engineering science, mechatronics, nanotechnology, and bio-engineering. There are some characters in Robotics:

  • It is not harmful to human beings.
  • It must follow the instructions of human beings.
  • It works fast and saves time.

Robotics is rapidly moving out of controlled environments into homes and public spaces. Researchers are also developing artificial intelligence [AI] systems that will allow robots to make decisions autonomously. 

Is India ready for such a transition? Let’s learn about the opportunities, challenges, and future of robotics in India in detail.

As commercial advantages and employment are picking up for tech people who want to join this growing and exciting field, the future of India’s robotics may be bright and promising. India has understood that a robot’s skill, proficiency, speed, accuracy, and firmness are unmatched by humans.

What Opportunities are in store?

Robotic technologies are extensively used across various sectors like nuclear energy, space, metals, textiles, automotive, and manufacturing industries. Besides, India’s health sector has also initiated the utilization of robotic technology in widely operational theatres and even in rehabilitation centers to reinforce the standard of life. Robotics has proved that it is a growing field.

Many experts believe that robotics is best fitted to industrial automation, incorporating manufacturing, packaging, and assembling. Robotics can change the economic scenario by promising to bring a similar result as computer systems have brought in services and other sectors.

Robotics, in the automation sector, has improved productivity as well as the quality of the end product while allowing the human operators to accept more value-added roles. Many Indian companies, like Flipkart, have deployed robots and AI in their warehouses for operations.

Why is India not using Robotics to its maximum potential?

There are many kinds of problems that India has to overcome before it is considered a go-to destination for robotics. One of the biggest challenges is the cost and procurement of the required hardware and other electronic components to build a robot.

According to the extensive paperwork involved in importing hardware components into the country, not many commercial applications are prepared to enter the market. Generally, acquiring and retaining quality talent is one of the most critical challenges, as robotics is a multidimensional field. Another major problem is that SME customers expect visible ROI before proactively adopting robotics.

In the future, will India be a Robotics powerhouse?

Robotics is especially capturing uptrends like manufacturing, pharmaceutical, packaging, FMCG, and inspection. The other promising sectors include education and defense. There is no hesitation that robotic technologies are set to change how things are done in the industries in which they are being implemented. As we mentioned earlier, Indian companies are also with a foot placed firmly in this sector.

Experts believe that shortly it is inevitable that robotics will become an essential aspect of various sectors. Like multiple technologies, the adoption of robotics technology would be slow. Therefore, the increasing demand for robotics technology wide array of industries indicates that there will be a vast amount of opportunities and hence a higher rate of adaptation for robotics technology.

The whole of India’s manufacturing process would be the companies with advanced and innovative artificial intelligence technologies. Also, the increasing importance of the new initiative, “Made in India,” will upright the robotics technology’s desires. And the need for meeting world manufacturing standards and several opportunities for foreign players will be proved shortly by the Indian robotics industry.

The current scenario of Robotics Sector in India:

Indian Industrial Robotics market is volatile, but booming. Indian industry is fastly moving towards automation for producing production volume, accuracy, and safety. To create industrial automation for increasing the merchandise supply and domestic manufacturing. India must expand its manufacturing industry to create more job opportunities.

Higher wages and, therefore, the increasing significant share of India’s wealthy citizens are the most drivers of a growing and promising marketplace for the buyer. The automotive market remains the most critical consumer market with a share of x4% of total installations. But the most reliable growth driver in 2019 was the overall industry, increasing by x8%, containing the plastics and rubber industry.


With scientific interpretations and researches, we can say that there are ample scopes for Robotics in India. The robot is part and parcel in our daily life. Without Robotics, we can hardly think about our comfortable life. Only time will tell the tale of its success in India. The fruit is on a low hanging tree, and India needs to grab it!

राज्‍यों से जुड़ी हर खबर और देश-दुनिया की ताजा खबरें पढ़ने के लिए नार्थ इंडिया स्टेट्समैन से जुड़े। साथ ही लेटेस्‍ट हि‍न्‍दी खबर से जुड़ी जानकारी के लि‍ये हमारा ऐप को डाउनलोड करें।

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